
EOS Chat Terms of Use

Welcome to your personal EOS Chat!

In order to help you quickly and reliably, we ask you to enter your name. Be polite and respectful when choosing your chat name and in your posts. Please do not use vulgar, hateful, harassing, illegal or otherwise objectionable content. In the event of breaches of the above provisions, EOS reserves the right to terminate the chat immediately and, if necessary, to block the User from the EOS Chat. The assessment of a situation leading to a cancellation or suspension shall be at the sole discretion of EOS employees.

General Instructions for Use

The text chat is available from Monday to Friday from 7 am to 8 pm. Exceptions are public holidays. EOS reserves the right to temporarily restrict access to the text chat (e.g. through system maintenance).

The text chat is opened in a separate window ("pop-up") and requires JavaScript.

Data Privacy Policy

To access our privacy policy, please follow the link:

Data protection statement - EOS in Denmark (